Nowhere to Secede from Opalia

Sognal's face Sognal
18 August 2022

Nob0dyImportant has confirmed that the town Nowhere will be seceding from Opalia later today.

Last night, he wrote in a nation-wide chat that “today might be the day nowhere splits off [from Opalia]." He continued by saying that “if it is, then I’ll take the time now to say it’s been good being a part of Opalia."

After some Opalians responded to what he said, he continued by saying that “it is, in fact, not time for Nowhere to dip yet — that’ll be tomorrow. Nonetheless, it’s been a good run."

The soon-to-be leader, Nob0dyImportant, detailed the new nation’s plan.

He said that “Unga is [going] to Ohio and bringing back Australia 3.”

We wish him and his nation the best of luck going forward.

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