Jubeann’s Animals Were Potentially Stolen — To Be Returned At All Costs

Sognal's face Sognal
07 August 2022

Approximately 6 hours after seeing them last, Jubeann found that two of his animals, a white fox named Shiverly, and an ocelot named Stripes, have both gone missing.

missing animal poster

This news comes just hours after we found out that Jubeann was held hostage to work as the Transportation Deputy Secretary — which some speculate may be related to the missing animals. These remain as rumors though.

We visited the scene of the crime. Here is where the animals were last seen.

Crime scene

According to Jubeann, he was planning to transport them to a new base, when he found the animals have vanished.

They were last seen by Jubeann 6 hours ago at the above location. He also told us that they were reported missing 5 hours by SkullSamaurai — the person to took Jubeann hostage.

Other missing animals include SkullSamaurai’s dog and two of alex_the_pro’s cats. Jubeann’s cat named Ralph, and all sitting pets were still there — only the animals unable to be made sit — the ones on leads — were removed.

Could this be an issue with how leads work? Perhaps, for the safety of our animals, we may need to keep them in more secure spaces for the time being. It could make a huge different for your animal or pet.

These are wild animals, so if you see them, approach with caution.

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