ExhaxagonStation to Secede from Opalia

M1dnightWolf36's face M1dnightWolf36
22 September 2022


Jubeann has stated that the town of ExhaxagonStation will be seceding from Opalia today.

This evening, he wrote, “I just want to announce the upcoming independence of Exhaxagon Station from the nation of Opalia, into a new sovereign nation, ‘Rollis’, in order to obtain the ability to independently create alliances and hold a culture and government of our town.”

Jubeann made it clear that he wishes Rollis to remain close allies with Opalia, using the nations of None and Solitas as examples.

He detailed the new nation’s plans for going forward. “As of currently only the town of ‘ExhaxagonStation’ Will be leaving Opalia to join Rollis, although we will accept any other towns into our nation at their request, regardless of Opalia's judgment.”

His notice of secession ended with a short and thoughtful note to the nation of Opalia.

“We also would like to express our gratitude towards Opalia in supporting our growth and development, and the protection the nation has brought to our little community.

“Best of wishes to the Opalian Community,

We wish him and his nation the best of luck going forward.

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